Fact Checkers Colluded With Pedophile Ring

2 years ago

Not that long ago, editorials were generally regarded as expressions of opinion. If you disagree with the indoctrinated consensus thinking that is controlled by mainstream media, Big Pharma, and the Deep State, you will be greeted with pushback by social justice warriors masquerading as fact-checkers in today's society.
According to these new gatekeepers of the truth, the majority of whom are physically sponsored by either Bill Gates or George Soros, you are not allowed to have an opinion on any subject unless your perspectives happen to be consistent with those of so-called "trusted sources" like CNN and MSNBC.

After publishing a bombshell report about the World Economic Forum's disgraceful and dangerous position on pedophilia just one week ago, we were fact-checked by a variety of outlets, and they informed us that we are not permitted to criticize such things. This information came after we had already published the report.

Checkers of the veracity of information claim that there is no pandemic of pedophilia and that global elites are not striving to mainstream pedophilia. Fact-checkers are urging you not to trust what you can see with both of your own eyes, despite the mountain of data that points in the other direction.
video source: The People's Voice
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