Anger only solves problems if derived from righteous origins not wicked ones :

2 years ago

Please check out my sponsor Christopher gores podcasts on & his books on Protocol - how the character of our presidents reflects our political and spiritual climate and what now? Moving past the 2016 elections . He does deliverance ministry for sister barbara lynchs church lighthouse. email to get a free copy of his book protocol shipped to your door. if you want to connect with Christopher you can do so via snapchat at chragore or by emailing peep my bud chos merch hoodies are $ 54.34 aud. peep my bud prinas charity project hope help young girls in Pakistan at risk of sexual abuse or domestic violence taste a brighter future through a holistic program using horse riding swimming computer skills and taekwon do. I pray you can make it to her fundraising night at cornerstone christian church 81 mina parade alderley Queensland Australia 4051 on Saturday 28th of January 2023 between 4 and 6 pm

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