Nordic curl progressions made EASY with Nordic spotter strap

2 years ago

Nordic curl progressions made EASY with Nordic spotter strap

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The Nordic curl spotter strap makes it easy to move through progressions.

Keep the strap short for more assistance.

As you get stronger, make the strap longer for less assistance.

The Nordic spotter strap works on both doors and weight racks and comes with line markings to accurately measure your progress.

This is a great way to set yourself up for success while doing Nordic curls at home.

Slowly release the strap and continue to progress at your own pace.

Nordic Curl Benefits

Nordic curls work the hamstrings muscles through knee flexion.

And because you are using your whole upper body as resistance for the exercise, you can't start with light weight.

This is where the Nordic spotter strap helps to lessen the load on the hamstrings.


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Nordic curl progressions made EASY with Nordic spotter strap

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