FreakSense TV Presents: Angels and Demons ~ Heaven and Hell

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FreakSense TV Presents: Angels and Demons ~ Heaven and Hell

5:30pm PST, 7:30pm CST, 8:30pm EST, 1:30am UK Time, 3:30am SAST, 12:30pm Sydney Australia, 2:30pm Wellington NZ

Colleen and I are LIVE tonight with yet another truly amazing show, entitled, Angels and Demons ~ Heaven and Hell…and during this show, we will be explaining precisely how God’s Creation is structured for Mankind, with EVERYTHING created for a sound and purposeful reason, as ALL of God’s Creation is designed to aid us in our Journey to discover God…and this includes both Angels and Demons…

Angels and Demons ae both powerfully real, and both are designed to Aid us in our Search for God; however, in Divergent Ways…Angels exist to Open Doors for us, provide us with Protection and aid us in our Healing, but as with all things, ONLY if we are in Alignment to their Divine Energy, and we must Believe in the Existence of Angels and INVITE them IN to our Lives…Angels possess Souls and Free Will, and thus, Angels are capable of Growing or Reducing their Souls based upon the Choices they make in regards to their Service towards Mankind...

Demons exist to aid us as well; however, in vastly different Ways…and Demons are structured differently than are Angels, as Demons do NOT possess SOULS, and this is for a very important reason, as God Created Demons as the ONLY part of His Creation that may Kill, justly, the Wicked…when ANY of God’s Creations with Souls commit murder, they begin to Die and Reduce the Spirit, or Life Essence Within them; however, as Demons do NOT possess Souls, when a Demon Kills it does not harm their essence, as they were created by God, for this purpose…Demons are the ONLY ones who are supposed to be Killing, and ONLY the Truly Wicked, to Protect and Maintain God’s Laws and Order…however, Murder still has a powerful effect on Demons, especially to their Psyche, as the Act of Murder is so repugnant, that the effects linger upon them, altering their appearances and behaviors, until they Look and Act quite Wicked themselves, although, they are NOT wicked themselves…

Angels are far more powerful than Demons and they are Abel to command the Demons to take action, including Murder…and God created His Universe in this Way to give us, His Children, EVERY available opportunity to maintain our Sovereignty and Virtuous Lives, so that we are Abel to Journey in pursuit of Heaven Upon Earth…and All of this truly represents a Stunningly Wise and Kind Creation by God, giving us every possible chance to Ascend our Essence into Heaven Upon Earth…

And this is where Jesus Christ comes into God’s Creation…Jesus exists within us to aid us, Daily and Moonthly, to help us to RAISE our Christic Oil, the Chrism, up into the 3rd Ventricle of the Brain, Activating the Pineal Gland, filling our Optic Thalamus with the Light of the World, known as Christ Consciousness…and again, if we remain Pure of both Body and Mind, then we will Raise our Christ Fluids within us, via the Kundalini Rising, upon Most High, transforming us into the Lighhouses, Christ-like, Crystalline Beings of Pure Photonic Light, that produce copious amounts of Melatonin, reversing the Aging process and illness, into Pure Health and Eternal Life…

So, stay tuned in, and join us for a breathtaking show of Truth as we come to Innerstand how both Life and the perception of Death, function within our Experience of this World, and how we can Work hard to MASTER these processes, turning us into Alchemists, Masters over our own Spirituality and Reality, Hand-in-Hand with God…we will also discuss what Heaven and Hell truly are, and how they are meant to function so that SOULS are SAVED and Healed, so that Man and Wombman will always be given the opportunity to choose to Do what is RIGHT, over what is Easy, and eventually come to know God, face-to-face in a place called PINEAL, where our Lives will be PRESERVED forevermore...


So, sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 66 Animals here at our Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...So, if you are willing, we would be VERY appreciative if you could sign up Monthly, via PayPal (which works well in Mexico), or thru our Givesendgo page...for a one time PayPal Donation to our Animals,

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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