AuthorTube Interviews / Video 4 / AuthorTubers Answer 10 Writing Questions

2 years ago

I’m excited to reveal the fourth video in an ongoing video series, where AuthorTubers answer a list of interview questions. This video focuses on writing process, AuthorTube and more. Below is the time stamps and interview questions in case you’d like to skip ahead.

Here are the links to the channels belonging to each of these Authors.

Trynda E. Adair

Tania’s Writing Realm
You’re already here! 😊

00:05 Meet the AuthorTubers
00:51 Q1: What genre do you enjoy writing the most?
01:16 Q2: How long have you been writing?
02:00 Q3: Have you ever taken a creative writing or literary course?
02:48 Q4: Do you listen to music while you write?
03:45 Q5: Do you schedule your writing time? If so, what does that look like for you?
04:35 Q6: Have you ever joined any NaNo WriMo’s in the past, and do you plan to do so in the future?
05:53 Q7: Do you feel that an author has inspired your writing style in some way?
07:34 Q8: How long have you been a part of the AuthorTube community?
08:35 Q9: Has joining the AuthorTube community helped you in some way, and if so, how?
10:20 Q10: If you could meet any AuthorTuber in person, who would it be and why?

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