Eight interesting Facts about French Bulldog.

1 year ago

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To become our contributor: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AnimalsandFacts/wishlist Are you searching for a world-class lap dog with irresistible looks? The French Bulldog is for you! Those distinctive bat ears, wrinkly faces, and sturdy little bodies are guaranteed to bring smiles to the faces of passersby. But what really wins hearts is Frenchie’s entertaining and affectionate nature. This is a dog that’s born to be your companion. He’s smart and playful and thinks your lap is the best place on earth. But wait, there’s more. The Frenchie has other winning qualities!

1. The French Bulldog is a surprisingly good watchdog
Although not at all yappy, he’ll bark to let you know if someone’s at the door. The breed can be a little territorial, but that’s where his job ends: don’t expect him to be a guard dog.

2. Frenchies are adaptable
An apartment, a country house . . . whatever. He’s not really athletic and is perfectly happy with daily walks and maybe a bit of an outdoor romp.

3. He’s an ideal companion dog
He’s the best pal for singles, families with kids, couples, and anyone. Playful, loyal, and loving, he requires minimal grooming and exercise.

4. Franchises are relatively easy to train
Despite a reputation for stubbornness, they’re eager to please and do enjoy being the center of attention.

Nobody’s perfect though, so here are a few other things to keep in mind with a French Bulldog:

5. About that reputation for stubbornness, French Bulldogs earned it
But, with a little patience and the proper motivation (treats), they’re willing to learn. Turn training into a game, and your French Bulldog is all in.

6. They’re a short-nosed (brachycephalic) breed
There are some health concerns to keep in mind with Frenchies. The short face and smaller nose can make breathing difficult and less efficient. Because of this, they have a low tolerance for heat, humidity, and too much exercise. Your French Bulldog needs to be kept cool in hot weather, preferably in an air-conditioned space. Watch your dog for unusually noisy breathing or if he’s spitting up foam. If this happens, consult your veterinarian; the dog may have pinched nostrils or an elongated soft palette obstructing his airway.

7. Speaking of noisy breathing, Frenchies snore
. . . sometimes loudly. Whether it’s annoying, amusing, or oddly comforting depends on your tolerance and sense of humor.

8. Those bulldog jaws are really powerful
Choose indestructible toys for your French Bulldog and expect a really vigorous game of tug-of-war. Although you can prise those jaws open if necessary, your Frenchie will hold on to his target and may tear it apart.

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