Answers to Mormon Fundamentalist Questions W/ William Dummkopf, Michael Ness, & Jacob Vidrine

2 years ago

So I have a question….What happens when a Lutheran interested in Mormonism has a discussion with three Mormon fundamentalists? Well you are about to find out. A few months back I had a man named Billy reach out to me with some questions about Mormonism, Fundamentalism, and the LDS Church. Now one of the things I like about Billy is that he is an honest seeker. He wants to understand without playing “gottcha games”. Billy eventually had the idea of wanting to come on the podcast and ask some questions about Mormon Fundamentalism. Now because I like Billy I thought he deserves to talk to someone way smarter than a clown with a microphone so I reached out to two guys way smarter than me Michael Ness and Jacob Vidrine. So on this episode myself, Billy Michael and Jacob sit down and answer Billy’s questions. We end up having a fascinating conversation and deep diving on some pretty interesting topics.

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