Orion -A quick tour of Orion

2 years ago

A well-known constellation is Orion. Orion has served as both a point of reference and a source of mythology, from ancient Egypt to the ancient Greeks to the Vikings.

Attempt to locate Orion the next time you look up into the night sky in the fall or winter, and try to understand what beauty and wonders you are actually seeing. There is a lot more to it than just a few small lights that twinkle. I'm attempting to provide a brief description of some of what you could be looking at in this movie. I'm hoping it will generate some interest.

When you understand what you're looking at, the night sky is considerably more interesting.

Music: ArDabian Zoids by Larsec

And thanks to ESA, NASA, ESO and the entire Hubble team for their wonderful contribution to science and astronomy.

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