Shared Hosting

2 years ago

There are many flavors of hosting, but most people know is what's called shared hosting. It's generally where business owners start. It's the cheapest that you can find. You can find it anywhere from about $5.95 a month up to about maybe $14.95 or so, somewhere in there.

I like shared hosting, to say you have a first-grade child at home. And if you send them to public school versus homeschooling, your first grader will probably have flu, colds, and whatever more frequently in public school than they will if you homeschool them. We would all be in agreement on that.
Shared hosting is like public school. And you're submitting your website
to any sort of nefarious activity worldwide because most of these servers are worldwide. They're not limited to just United States people or whatever country you may be living in. So most of the horror stories that you hear
about websites getting hacked, you go to your website one day and it's just a white screen. You go to your website one day and it's all written in Chinese.

This has happened. You go to your website one day and there are pictures of naked women all over it. I have had all three of those scenarios over the years of people calling me going, Dotty, how do I fix this? And it all has to do with your hosting. I will no longer recommend shared hosting, and I don't care what company it comes from, because shared hosting is the bane of a business owner. It is the weak point that will eventually get you.

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