If this doesn't convince you that the government is forcing you to die, nothing will

2 years ago

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. If you do get the vaccine and get injured because of it as a result, they will fire you for being too injured to work. If you don't get it, they won't allow you to work anyway. Whether you're vaccinated or not, the government is planning to make everyone lose their jobs to destroy the economy and kill off the masses for the great reset. The idea for this video came from me making a comment on a bitchute channel known as covid vax injuries, where I saw a video about a woman who is not allowed to work anymore because of her vaccine injury. However, her job required the vaccine to begin with. Do you see how this makes no sense? They won't allow you to work for being unvaccinated but then they'd also fire you for being vaccinated when the side effects start to kick in. The government wants you to be jobless. They want you to have nothing, not even your own life. They will try to forcibly starve you to death, all for the new world order. If you look at past historical events, communist dictators like Mao Ze Dong caused genocide of millions of chinese people to happen by intentionally creating famines in his own country. This is what the world economic forum with child rapist scumbags like Klaus Schwab are trying to do to all of us. They want a smaller population because a smaller population will always be easier to control than a bigger one. Also, I heard about the vaccine mandate for the american military being rescinded but who's to say that they won't just reinstate it later? And the damage has already been done, millions of military members will be crippled or killed by the vaccine if they aren't already. Even at the beginning of this year, they were still firing service men and women for being unvaccinated. They will do this again.

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