Chameleon Shelter Disc 3 - Lome Marsupial

2 years ago

Hi this is my original music from a Disc set. It has peacefulness, madness, atmosphere and archetypal plays weaved in all through.

These were written by me and released in 07/05/2012 before the world became as hypnotized and fallen spiritually as it is today!

tracklisting and time lynx:
Disc Three Run-time(forty two min thirty nine sec)
01-In-The-Crowd-Guised 0:00
02-Herbie-Getalong-Herbie-Railtree 0:23
03-Recepting-Inconsistancies-Pt3 1:54
04-Prototype-Pt-12 2:18
05-Miggi-The-Tax-Free-Heathen 3:04
06-Waerbabsnals-Pt-5/Lectures-On-Outdoor-Elevators 5:59
07-Lectures-On-Tube-Snifting 7:38
08-7-14* 8:58
09-Shoulder-Crisping 9:51
10-Thus-Spake 11:19
11-Elked-Troiat 14:22
12-Naked-And-Rabid-On-Interstate-81 16:10
13-Wuntzwerth-Walk 17:42
14-The-Day-A-BBQ-Turned-Into-A-Wedding 17:46
15-Prototype-Pt-13/FreeEnergy/Dependence 20:20
16-Kermits-Hearse(Hermits-Curse) 23:31
17-Wering-Takkitti(Share-A-Ride) 28:42
18-Waerbabsnals-Pt-6 30:43
19-All-Natural-Flavo(u)rs 31:32
20-Participation 33:51
21-Sorce-Ouf 34:08
22-Alone-In-The-Middle-Of-Everyone 37:27
23-Lana-II 39:21
24-The-Journey-Of-Foil-Sinn+ 40:28
All music performed by Lee Lome Marsupial except
*Soil Finn - Rhythm Guitar/dadadooms
+Soil Finn - Rhythm Guitar
Music LTG Music All Rights Reserved
thnx for listening support independent music/musicians if able &behead the music industry, too

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