12Jan23 All Flights Grounded with Hack, McCarthy Embraces Corruption, Stopping GREEN AGENDA at State Level

2 years ago

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

All USA flights grounded for the first time since 9/11 2:05

A look at the NOTAM system that failed, causing the FAA to stop all flights 4:14

Mayor "PeeWee" BootGay takes charge 6:42

Biden White House said it was NOT hacking? Here's how we KNOW it WAS HACKED 11:09

Royal Mail unable to send letters or packages overseas — says it was hacked 14:30

The Long Island Liar, George Santos, refuses to resign even as local GOP calls him out. Here's what the County GOP had to say…WATCH at 23:55

But at the state & federal level, the GOP has remained silent (with the exception of Marjorie Taylor Greene). But now Kevin McCarthy finally speaks and what he says is astounding 30:15

MALARKEY 2.0 — new batch of classified documents illegally stashed by Biden is found. 39:40

Garland named a special counsel for Trump a week BEFORE the 2022 election and 2 weeks AFTER he knew Biden did the same thing 42:35

The "classifieds" are a tale of hypocrisy, political persecution — AND MOST IMPORTANTLY — the paranoia and secrecy of the National Security State 47:06

Response of MSM is to bemoan the "new nightmare" the Department of Justice faces — in getting Trump — now that Biden did the same thing. 54:28

Biden may have jumped the shark by moving against gas ranges and stoves. His malarkey justification is a beard for climate prohibitions demanded by UN/WEF 56:46

Consumer Product Safety Commissar tries to walk back the prohibition. Must be done most gradually and iteratively 1:03:45

The WHO and EPA also want to ban gas furnaces, ranges, ovens 1:06:39

DeWine just declared oil and gas "green energy" showing that there IS plenty that state governments can do to stop the Climate MacGuffin. 1:11:48

Louisiana's anti-porn law is another prohibition doomed to failure that will enhance the power of the state — this time requiring ID to use the internet 1:22:26

Illinois Republicans vow to not comply with gun laws. 1:30:02

Tony Arterburn, Wise Wolf Gold, DavidKnight.gold, joins 1:32:08

What’s going on with the Missouri gold depository? 1:39:58

The danger of the dollar and sanctions — destroying reserve status by weaponizing it 1:45:12

What if the BRICS nations set up their own currencies? 1:54:47

The war on the things that are real — from fiat currency to a fiat universe that's digital and virtual 1:59:03

The first time I bought gold. 2:01:52

Jason Barker, TheKnightsOfTheStorm.com, joins — the military vax mandate was meant for evil, but God used it for good in Jason's life 2:08:11

Jason talks of the emotional rollercoaster of the last year facing possible discharge just before retirement due to his religious objections to taking the mandatory vax 2:13:01

How "The Knights of the Storm" podcast began. 2:21:10

A focus on planning for the future. What happens if the internet and/or grid goes down? How do we preserve and access the knowledge needed for basic self-reliance? 2:27:09

What’s on the life front? A redefinition of "brain dead" by hospitals for the purpose of organ transplants 2:36:19

Some of the stories about people who were declared brain dead. 2:42:57

Washington State has a new pro-abortion complaint form to attack and dox pro-lifers. Even clerks working at retail pharmacies would be attacked for not selling abortion pills that FDA just approved for over-the-counter sales 2:46:00

Americans are rejecting motherhood, children. But a new study shows the best medicine for curing depression. 2:52:13

How acts of kindness help fight depression and anxiety. 2:55:29

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