Split Wood Acres Homestead Trespassers UPDATE

2 years ago

Split Wood Acres Homestead an update on the trespassers and their hunting blind. We've received more information, a tip that may lead us to who the mysterious hunting blind may belong to. A short video update to let you know what we find out.

Split Wood Acres is doing a budget project of cleaning up our homestead and recycling the scrap metal removed from our property to better our land and environment. We are truly a DIY beginner homestead doing the best with what we have. Follow along and we hope we entertain and help you learn that you to can do this if you have the desire and a piece of property with lots of junk on it.

Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089079377366

#splitwoodacres #homesteading #clearingland #offgrid

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