England it is time to rise! Iceland took down the deep state bankers in 2008 -how?

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How did a small Country like Iceland make such a global impact in 2008? The People stood up.

#StopTheBoats #StopTheInvasion #StopTheBritish

January 14th 2023 2pm Hull, Queen Victoria Square, Carr Ln, Hull. HU1 3RL

Bring your #RapeAlarms and show the #British that England has had enough. The traditions of the English are a loud warning system of the horn. The horn warned the village community of danger.

Under the English Constiution you all have a Petition right, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Freedom Thought and Expression.

Tonight at 8pm the Full English show on rumble live I’ll be talking about this.

Tonight 9pm on twitter “The digital town square” Twitter spaces https://twitter.com/grahamHmoore/status/1613509487922487296?s=20&t=DvSqJ-7_2vvyQH59OjPJeA

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