Should You Get A Girl Or Work On Yourself First

2 years ago

I'm really enjoying titling these videos whatever I want on this platform hahahaha, I'm only joking it's just funny compared to youtube.

Don't make the mistake I made.

Having a girlfriend is great, you've got someone to share life with, share the burden so to speak but if you get too comfortable you are going to end up wasting a lot of time you could have spent improving yourself.

Basically, I acted like a girl for a decade and couldn't be alone... gdgd. Are you considering whether to pursue a girl or work on yourself? Have you become too comfortable with your girlfriend and you've fallen off self-improvement?

Do you want to get a girlfriend or focus on yourself? In this video, we'll explore the pros and cons of both choices, and give you insight into which path might be the best for you.

Oliver Napoleon Hill was an American self-help author. He is best known for his book Think and Grow Rich, which is among the best-selling self-help books of all time. Hill's works insisted that fervid expectations are essential to improving one's life.

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#relationship #selfimprovement #selfdevelopment

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