2 years ago

I was walking my dog on January 14th 2022 in the morning around 10:30 am. I heard a woman screaming my dog collapsed! I immediately ran over and notice the dog which was confirmed to be a boxer breed wasn’t breathing ! I saw that and had illuminated on himself. I started doing chest compressions as well as mouth to snout which I learned on YouTube many years ago. It was my first time doing it. I had to do several rounds to get him to respond. His chest moved a little bit and that’s when I knew it was starting to work. Then his whole body wiggled and he started breathing on his own. I breath of fresh air went through my body! I felt so good that I had just saved a dog. The owner was happy but still shaken up! Veterinarians around the world said this was amazing. I told the owner be careful riding dogs attached to the bike especially a boxer breed they aren’t built for this. I’m glad it was caught on camera by a bystander and now the whole world can learn from this and can spread awareness about the importance of cpr!

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