A needful sermon by Pastor Danny Castle titled, "ALCOHOL PUBLIC ENEMY #1"

1 year ago

“I tell you that the curse of God Almighty is on the saloon.” —Billy Sunday

Ecclesiastes 7:17, “Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die before thy time?”

“Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” —Galatians 5:21

Those who believe it is OK to drink booze are using the Bible to justify their behavior, rather than to shape their behavior. This is typical of interpreting the Bible to fit one's desires. I do not drink alcohol for the same reason that I don't step on the tracks in front of a moving train. Asking whether drinking is a sin is like asking whether it's a sin to play Russian Roulette with one empty chamber. There is no reason to spiritualize this issue. If you think you can drink and handle it, you are either in denial or you simply haven't suffered the consequences that invariably accompany alcohol.
Even if we believe the Bible permits consumption, what does wisdom tell us? Truthfully, drinking is stupid. Here in the United States, there is absolutely no reason to do it — and, we're surrounded by reasons not to do it. Alcohol is a lot more potent today compared to Jesus' time. Wine in the Bible was naturally fermented; not fermented using a still as it is today (which produces a much higher concentration of alcohol). It doesn't take much to get drunk these days, depending on what you are drinking and your tolerance. Add to this our culture's use of drunkenness as a form of stress reliever and you have imminent disaster. Booze is glorified on TV, radio and is an official staple of college spring break.

Alcohol has led many unsuspecting victims into the SIN of drunkenness. Alcohol often destroys lives and families!!! I stood over the grave of a mother and her child, both killed by a drunk driver. The drunk driver lived, but he killed a pregnant mother and her unborn child. It is murder!

I thank God for organizations like Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) who are doing their best to fight against the evils of alcohol; but God is against more than just drunk drivers... GOD HATES BOOZE, THE SALOON, AND THE ENTIRE BEER INDUSTRY.

“The saloon is the sum of all villainies. It is worse than war or pestilence. It is the crime of crimes. It is the parent of crimes and the mother of sins. It is the appalling source of misery and crime in the land. And to license such an incarnate fiend of hell is the dirtiest, low-down, damnable business on top of this old earth.” —Billy Sunday (Quoted from the sermon, The Curse of the Saloon)

Isaiah 24:9, “They shall not drink wine with a song; strong drink shall be bitter to them that drink it.”

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