ElonStellar? More Like ElonScammer! | Upd 2023-01-12 | Rocky News + Whiplash 347 QSI EXPOSED Exposed

2 years ago

Recorded on: 2023-01-12
Cult after cult, exposed once again in their hypocrisy.
Btw I joined ES just to show you the stats, I left that channel and would go in there from time to time, just like rocky news or the QSI exposed one too. Left all of them now. I don't know why but I still check twitter of ES, I still feel some kind of attachment from there, some kind of feeling (positive one). If I didn't then I wouldn't even check any of those places whatsoever. And no it's not rooted in hope and being naive, if that was the case I wouldn't have made these videos... Time will tell and I'm waiting for that time.

ElonStellar? More Like ElonScammer!
First Vid 2022-12-01
Update 2022-12-16
Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLM086FYjKA
Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_CcBF8swgw
Update 2022-12-18
Update 2022-12-19

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