2 years ago

You Have A Medical Coincidence? Coincidence Theory Is Long-Covid! https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/you-have-a-medical-coincidence-coincidence-theory-is-long-covid -- Coincidence Theory on Tesla vs Covid "Popped Out Of Nowhere" -- Odds = Centillion to 1 https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/coincidence-theory-on-tesla-vs-covid-hoax-odds-centillion-to-1

The conspirators invented the name SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome); better known as the Covid-19 depopulation injection. In a video by The Expose confirms this hypothesis entitled “Secret Government Data & Confidential Pfizer Documents confirm COVID Vaccination is causing Depopulation and has already killed Millions.”. The MSM inadvertently admits to the idea of getting SADS, 5 months or more after vaccination; so that no connection with the vaccine could be made. May 22nd 2022 Your Government published data confirming it can take just 5 months for the Covid-19 Vaccinated to develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome whilst they had you worried about World War, the Cost of Living & Monkeypox. It's also a cover up of the video and idea of “Died Suddenly”. #DiedSuddenlyPart 1 passes 20M views. Died Suddenly Part 2. White House respond's with Fauci final press briefing: Press room explodes as the question is asked "What about the Origins of Covid?" responding 'I'm done with you'. Fauci "Covid (measures) are a moving target". Deposition. Here’s a list of 94 incidences this year when vast numbers of animals have died suddenly. Given that animals get the same vaccines as humans, if not more vaccines.

SNIP: Rise & Fall of the 4th Reich is a new e-book by Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0 documenting Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity vs The Cabal and their New World Order (250 pages 2500 sources + 10 Important Downloads) https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/ols/products/rise-fall-of-hitlers-4th-reich-e-book-by-the-chief-justice-of-nuremberg-20

- Vaccine Damage Cover-Up:

This is the modus opereni for the Cabal over the last 1000 years. They blame their bad actions, on something else. Otherwise, there would be blood on their hands. It goes back to The Plage, and Lepers; where the Vatican would claim their dissidents have some type of contagion or disease, as a reason to put them in a quarantine camp, burn them at the stake or just outright kill them. This idea was exemplified by CJ in a post entitled “Blame It On The Rain” by Milli Vanilli. From the song “WhaTever you do, don't put the blame on you, Blame It On The Rain”. Below are many stories how they blamed their use of the covid protocol early in the fake pandemic; the use of Melazodam & Remdizivir on The Virus, then they blamed their recommendation of HCQ, Ivermectin, Chlorine Dioxide deaths on The Virus, then they blamed vaccine side effects on … everything but the vaccine. Aka False-Flagor Double-Cross.

Covid Hoax Mode-Of-Operandi "Blame it on the Rain" Contagion Myth https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/covid-hoax-mode-of-operendi-blame-it-on-the-rain-contagion-myth

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