Dirty Thursday: with Wingless Sprint Car Drivers, Steve Nordrum and Cory Palm

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Wingless Sprint Car Drivers Steve Nordrum and Cory Palm stop in to chat with the Bullring Boy, Jon Roberts, and @DevilsLakeSpeedway Owner, Heather MacDonald. For the latest racing info with today's guests, check out their Facebook pages - Cory Palm - @palmmotorsports - Steve Nordrum - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082643206427

Show is recorded at Grand Forks Best Source. For studio information, visit www.gfbestsource.com

#gfbs #grandforksbestsource #dirtythursday #winglesssprints #dirttrackracing @grandforksnd #NOSA #dirtythursday #dirttrack #dirtracing #dirttrackracing #latemodels #gfbsdirtythursday

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