Coconut Automation Explained by Nelson Perez, 30 Years of Passive Income

2 years ago

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Listen to Nelson Perez explain how coconut automation works. There is a global shortage of coconuts happening. Coconut trees produce coconuts for around 30 years, Asia estimates 90% of their farms are nearing the end of the their life cycle with little replanting happening. For replanting farmers have to remove the old trees, treat the land and replant and wait 3-4 years for coconuts to start producing again, with no government subsidies the farmers are forced to move to livestock or other ways to earn a living. Read more about the shortage here :

Asian coconuts take 3+ weeks to reach the United States, Costa Rica which has coasts on both the Atlantic and Pacific can export their coconuts to either coast of the United States in 7 days. This leads to fresher products and a longer shelf life.

We focus exclusively on coconut farms and lands in Costa Rica. Our goal is to provide investment opportunities and to manage them on our client’s behalf. Our consulting services provide a full range of services to our investors from securing the land, growing seedlings, preparing the rich soil, planting, and farm management to sales of the coconuts. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to enhancing the value of our clients’ investments throughout Costa Rica.

We have options for you to purchase and own your own coconut farm in Costa Rica or become an investor partner with a minimum investment of $50k. Contact us for more info!

See what a sample coconut farm investment would look like and what the returns would be here :


TED Associates : Passive Income Solutions Our team strives to educate people on passive income opportunities. We also show you how to obtain business credit lines to fund these opportunities to keep as much of your own money in your pocket. Our goal is to build you cash flowing assets that you can sell if you choose or hold onto for monthly passive income. We have opportunities for large or small budgets. We have experience with Amazon, Trucking, Turo, Facebook, Walmart, Ebay, AirBNB, YouTube, NFTs and so much more. Contact us to talk about how we can help set you up for success.

Check out our other automation opportunities here :

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