Throwback Thursday Roofer Marketing Solution: Utilizing School Districts

2 years ago

Has your company taken 1 hour, out of 1 day during the calendar school year to go and present to high school seniors, or even to go read to a class of 3rd graders. All while leaving them with some branded swag?!!!

Well why haven’t you?

Because… you haven’t thought about how many children are going to go home and get asked the dreaded. “how was your day?!” by their parents. And that’s when they’ll pull the tshirt out of their bag and show their parents your brand and tell them what the learned and the pizza they are.

And you know what - their pride & joy (their child), just had an awesome time with YOUR brand, which automatically creates a good relationship subconsciously with your brand.
Also, high schools are a great place for you guys to recruit kids coming out of high school & get ‘em while they’re ripe!!

I posted this yesterday, yet it never loaded! So here it is today
& as always, If you’re ready to add a marketing professional to your team – shoot me a DM!


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