Dominic vs. Bassotto kerfuffle at Clash Royale League 2022 World Finals day 1

2 years ago

Huge cock up at the Clash Royale League 2022 World Finals.
Dominic aka DOOOM gets screwed in his 2nd match against Samuel Bassotto. He's been wrongfully declared as repeating a card, then forced to replay the game with his cards already exposed.
The commentators completely screw up, not noticing the judge's error, specially  @RichSlaton  the knucklehead shouting "he repeated a card!" after seeing that the production won't show the second deck. It's hilarious to see  @AndrewGhaiTV  clutching his head, realizing how stupid he was, after getting the word that Dominic DIDN'T repeat his card.
Taken from: "World Finals Day 1! | Clash Royale League 2022" at:

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