Manwich presents: I Saw The Tribulation Coming Ep #1 Ken Peters

2 years ago

In this video, Ken Peters describes the dream he had in 1980 about the Tribulation end time events. The audio is taken from a public conference in 2005 in which he describes his dream. Ken sadly passed away in 2021. His dream covers the resurrection of the dead and the rapture and what happens to those who remain on the earth, the crash of the electrical grid, the revealing of the Anti-Christ, the coming global world order, the mark of the beast, the Anti-Christ's identification mark and the great delusion of the Anti-Christ, worldwide catastrophic earthquake, chaotic change in weather patterns, drought and famine, demonic oppression, martial law, military takeover and monitoring system, confinement of the public to state/county lines, a brief 5 month revival of Christianity with healings and blessings and supernatural works, and the anger of the Anti-Christ system and persecution of the church, the building of penitentiaries and prisons for Christians and martyrdom of those who come to faith during the Tribulation period.

For a fuller version of Ken Peters testimony visit:

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