The Real Story Of Ireland Part 1 - Michael Tsarion on Resolving Reality Radio - 21.1.19

2 years ago

The Real Story Of Ireland Part 1 - Michael Tsarion on Resolving Reality Radio - 21.1.19

Michael Tsarion Interviews -
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Raised in Belfast, Northern Ireland, during the height of the “Troubles,” Michael began his revisionist studies by analyzing subliminal images in pop videos, billboards and magazine ad copy. He also began studying criminology and satanic cults after a spate of bizarre ritualistic murders occurred in Belfast in the mid-1970s.
After twice visiting the United States in the early eighties, Michael ventured out into the field to make a close study of Ireland’s numerous ancient cyclopean ruins and megalithic sites. This research proved invaluable and provided him with clear evidence of a “hidden hand” at work behind academia, religion and the socio-political world. His interest in Ireland’s past was chiefly inspired, in 1978, by the music of Andy Irvine and by Irish artist Jim Fitzpatrick, author of the outstanding Book of Conquests. Jim has since complimented Michael on his works.
Brought up by staunchly Marxist parents, Michael became intimately aware of the fraud of Socialism from an early age. He was also convinced that the story of the First and Second World Wars had been utterly misconstrued by the media. The calculated destruction of Celtic, Germanic and Nordic culture remains a central interest.
Through his association with the Paul Solomon Foundation and his own world-renowned grandfather, Tara Singh, Michael witnessed at close hand key figures and orgs in the “New Age Movement,” and was able to see not only the movement’s occult underpinnings but its ability to create specific forms of delusion and magical child syndrome in those who blindly follow most Eastern and New Age precepts and personalities.
After a third short visit to the United States, in 1988, Michael moved permanently to the Bay Area in late 1989. Thereafter, for ten solid years, he studied film, philosophy and esoteric subjects intensely, eventually leading to his first television and radio appearances in 1998. That same year he created his first website,, which featured his Taroscopic Mystery School. The website and online school are dedicated to the research and advancement of the four great Hermetic arts, and accepts members from all parts of the globe.
Michael’s reputation was significantly boosted when he gave his first large public talk on September 2000 at the Bay Area UFO Expo.
The following year, he was invited to speak at a major conference in Seattle Washington. Thereafter he was invited by Peter Davenport and MUFON executives to give lectures and classes in the Puget Sound area.
Veterans of the revisionist community, such as Richard Hoagland, Anthony Hilder, Roger Leir, Jim Marrs, Lloyd Pie, Ken Thomas, Jeff Rense, George Noory, Ted Gunderson, and many others, praise Michael’s unique perspectives and delivery. Several times a year he has been invited to give presentations on controversial topics. He has also been a frequent guest on numerous popular radio talk shows.
In 2002, Michael wrote and published his first book, Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation. It was widely acclaimed by veterans in the fields of Ufology and Paranormal studies.
In 2004 Michael began work on the Origins and Oracles series. He produced 6 programs with over fifty hours of eye-opening revelations on Atlantis, Symbolism, and other subjects
In 2005 Michael began work on his second book, The Irish Origins of Civilization, a magnum opus in two volumes, dealing with the true but long-suppressed history of Ireland and the West. Michael also wrote and narrated a multi-hour program on the same subject.
In 2006 Michael appeared on the Sci-Fi Channel’s program “Quest of Atlantis.” That same year he was interviewed by Brent Miller for the “Horizon” series on ancient catastrophe and pole shifts. In recent years he has been repeatedly invited by the History Channel and other mainstream programs and channels.
In 2007 Michael wrote his third book, Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology, and subsequently toured Britain, Europe and Australia, giving one-of-a-kind presentations on:
The Western Magical Tradition
The Hermetic Arts of Divination
Atlantis & Prehistoric Civilizations
The Occult History of Ireland
The Druids and Tree Worship
Subversive Symbolism
Symbolic Literacy
Psychic Vampirism
The Female Illuminati
Western Mysticism and Idealism
The War on Consciousness
Disciples of the Mysterium (2012)
Trees of Life (2012)
Path of the Fool (2013)
Cards on Houses (2016)
Schelling: Understanding German Idealism (2016)
Dragon Mother: A New Look at the Female Psyche

The best thing each of us can do is take advantage of the time we are given to prepare for the future that the globalist money lending elite are designing and building as you watch this. Become knowledgeable about what is really going on in the world. Work towards becoming self sufficient within a tight community of close minded and intelligent people that are also prepping. Get ready mentally and physically if you are able. If that is not the case do what you can to make plans in case you need to get out of harms way. Freedom and Justice will prevail. Be strong and never give up.
-PRO42O (M.H.I)
Enjoy at your own risk - MATURE CONTENT
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interview ireland michael tsarion ancient history religious symbolism

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