Funding Ukraine vs Homeless American.

2 years ago

Funding Ukraine vs Homeless American.
Alex Stein trolling the life out of Americans protesting in support of Ukraine.

The best thing each of us can do is take advantage of the time we are given to prepare for the future that the globalist money lending elite are designing and building as you watch this. Become knowledgeable about what is really going on in the world. Work towards becoming self sufficient within a tight community of close minded and intelligent people that are also prepping. Get ready mentally and physically if you are able. If that is not the case do what you can to make plans in case you need to get out of harms way. Freedom and Justice will prevail. Be strong and never give up.
-PRO42O (M.H.I)
Enjoy at your own risk - MATURE CONTENT
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funny troll trolling ukraine lol humanitarian aid

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