If you can’t do anything about it…

2 years ago

We continue to catch ourselves thinking about
potential issues or situations…
While we’re about to go to sleep.

This is a colossal waste of time because nothing can be done and the lost sleep will make the next day more DIFFICULT!

If you or someone you care about cannot do anything in the present to impact the issues they are dealing with, they must shift their thoughts to something more beneficial.
Speaking of, this is where journaling becomes beneficial as well

If you are stuck in an airport due to a weather delay or some external factors come into play, there is no use in worrying about going to a gym or missing a meeting.
Instead you could work on a task or in other words an item you planned to complete five days in the future decreasing the amount of time wasted.

Again, to summarise and thank every individual who read till the end of this,
If an issue is occupying your time [thoughts],
Decide if there is anything you can do about it and if not…
move on to using your time more wisely.

Have a great day

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