Gang Stalker paper route

2 years ago

This is one of many paper routes in my neighborhood that were community stalkers. They first started by driving in the middle of the road when they saw me, flashing their car lights so I knew they were gangstalkers. At first I didn't know they were a paper route and I was wondering why do they keep hanging out here because I know they don't live here, most if not all the gangstalkers live in the neighborhood so I asked what they were doing and they became upset and said I stopped them because they ,looked like thugs, they did but that's not why I stopped them. They later used the thug thing and said I was following them because of that and they were only doing their job. I did follow them a few times when I would run into them after 7am in my car when they should have been long gone because it only takes about an hour to cover the whole area the other times 2am-7am they would show up anywhere I was at in my neighborhood. Finally after 2 years of complaining to the Corpus Christi Caller Times and the Police they were gone,how not sure but I'm glad.

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