Biden Now Has Classified Documents In TWO Different Offices

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That's right. More classified documents were found in President Biden's private offices at the UPenn/Biden Center the he used after serving as VP under Barack Obama.

The FBI has known about the documents for over two months, but only now we're hearing about a second location? Was any investigation done? Were his homes checked as well?

If classified documents need special care, we need to find out why no special care was given, and we need to punish those who were careless. That could include former President Trump for his documents, and that definitely includes the sitting President of the United States.

But the Left is trying to defend Biden by claiming it was "accidental," or that he didn't have "bad intent," all while signaling that Trump, somehow, did have bad intent.

Either you believe in the rule of law or the rule of man. Those defending Biden are dangerous to the Republic. I'll explain.

Presented by Americans For Prosperity.

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