7 DaysTo Die Gameplay - Melee Only Build Part 6 - Popping heads

2 years ago

7 Days to Die Alpha 20.6(b9)
Random World generation - 6144x6144 - Warrior difficulty with everything else on default settings. Melee Only build.

Saw an interesting looking POI so I went to take a look and it went underground to a house. Ended up just killing all the zombies here. Did a clear quest and then headed back to Trader during night where I encountered a lot of roaming zombies. I methodically just kill them off one by one. Haven't fought off a horde yet but I need to stock up on coffee and other energy items to keep on swinging. A bear showed up at my base at the end of the video; debating whether I can beat it or not... Thanks for watching. Please like and subscribe.

#7dtd #7daystodie #gameplay #melee #indiegame #indiegames #zombiesurvival #random #sledgehammer #craft #crafting #playthrough #warrior #meleeonly #basebuilding #questing #grind

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