Are You Suited Up? | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | February 3, 2023

2 years ago

Are You Suited Up? | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | February 3, 2023

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Ephesians 6:10,11

In a world of constant bombardment through our eyes, ears, and other senses, it is important to be prepared — whatever the day may bring. At the moment we get out of our bed and our feet hit the floor, our minds start racing. What do I need to do today? What are the needs in front of me? How do I meet them? The power we walk in from day to day must be beyond ourselves; our physical and mental strength. God wired us to do amazing things. But we often rely upon our own abilities first before we seek the Lord and lean upon Him.

One prayer we can pray as we begin each day is to simply be suited up with the full armor of God. Paul speaks of it in Ephesians 6: the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, shoes fitted with the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. This is all gear for battle but that is the point: we are at war. The enemy of our souls wants to kill, steal, and destroy. We must be on guard at all times and aware of our surroundings. We must be willing to even take our thoughts into captivity and that starts by putting on our helmets each day. This life is too hard to live on our own…apart from the tools Christ has given us to fight. Are you suited up today?

Question for today: Do I understand the spiritual battle at play around me today and am I taking steps to keep myself in the fight, through Christ?

Pray: Lord, gird me with the full armor of God today! I desire to be ready for any battle that comes knowing that I can stand firm in evil days because I am equipped with Your truth.

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