American Midnight: 1920s or 2020s?

1 year ago

In this video I catch up on what I've been doing in my substack and then get back into the book American Midnight, which is a Jewish New Leftist look at US history in 1917-21 but is also framed as a warning about the present day - in the same way as Ken Burn's Holocaust in the US documentary or Timothy Snyder's Holocaust book Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning. Burns and Snyder are goy frontmen for Jewish socio-political activists, as apparent also is Bill Ellis regarding the one chapter of his book I've analyzed in my latest substack articles on the Illuminati conspiracy theory with its cleansed parallel side, the "grand Jewish conspiracy". This defining of history and the framing it as warning says a lot about our times and the kind of doubling-down of Jewish power and influence today, as does the clear underlying attack on Euro-Chriatian America that is so fundamental to it.

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