Universe Within Podcast Ep58 - Will Pye - Author, Speaker, Non-Duality, Philosophy & Plant Medicine

2 years ago

This video was censored and removed by YouTube as they said, without explanation, that it violated their "Medical Misinformation" policy. The 18 minutes that I imagine was in question has been removed. Will spoke about pharmaceuticals, the pandemic, and the response to it. To view the full video, including the deleted parts, view on my Rumble channel:


Science is always changing. What was seen as ‘The Science’ 500 years ago is very different from 300 years ago and very different from today. The Science of today will be very different from The Science of tomorrow and the future.

The idea that one group or class of people should control the narrative is, always has been, and always will be a very dangerous mentality. It has been used throughout time to create power structures that divide people and keep certain groups lower than others. It is used for power and control. It has led to class systems, systems of oppression, othering of peoples, and creating a class of people that can rule over and control others. This is happening today and it is important to stand on principle and morality and choose what is life-giving and not give into fear and divisiveness that uses power in harmful ways. Freedom and liberty are vitally important.

Seeing things from different sides is a sign of wisdom. Having hypotheses and putting them to the test is the very nature of science and of life. Science is not separate from life. This is the true scientific method, and it requires courage and also entails failing. Through this method we refine life and slowly move towards truth. Accepting things without questioning or suppressing voices is anti-science, it lays within the realm of dogma and religious fervor. And it’s why almost all of the breakthroughs of science come from visionaries, those who had courage to question reality and accepted dogma and through great vision and work, make change for the better.

Many traditions around the world speak of a similar phenomenon. In Vedic thought it is referred to as Maya, the veil that we see life through. In Christian symbolism it is the apocalypse, from the Greek meaning to lift the veil and see the world as it actually is. In many South American shamanic traditions they speak of maricación, that we become lost in the dizziness of life. In North American native cultures they speak of wetiko, the mind-virus that does not allow us to see clearly. All of these point to this idea that there is something clouding our vision, in a literal and more metaphorical sense. And that the process of living a good life is to begin to question this and begin to find truth, cutting through this veil with wisdom, that can be found through a deep desire to question the nature of reality and of ourselves.

As someone who has questioned life vigorously, has been through the medical system, lived from a deep place of personal experience, Will’s voice is relevant and powerful. We need not agree with everything someone says, but to suppress a voice is to suppress life itself, and this never is in service of the ‘greater good,’ for it is divisive, not life-giving, and goes against principle, morality, and respect for life in all of its forms. I also have a lot of respect for Will that he took a stand to question things and to speak what he saw as true. So much of what I saw throughout the pandemic, a fear response, censoring of voices, self-censoring, came from this place of fear. I saw many people that in private conversations would say one thing and in public conversation would stay quiet or say something else. This comes from fear. It comes from a place other than courage. And ultimately it is not life-giving.

My Youtube channel now has a warning, for questioning a narrative and offering another point of view. And with a couple more of these, the channel will be permanently deleted and another voice taken down. This was essentially the practice of book burning or witch burning, suppressing dissenting voices that would challenge the heterodoxy and threaten their power and authority.

I find myself walking a line of bridge keeping, finding the thread-line that connects all things. It is, I believe, in our mariación that we see things as separate and forget the beauty of all things. That separation is based on and feeds on fear, and I have known it well. And I may dare say that I have a sense of that oneness, not just from an intellectual perspective, although that too, but from an experiential place as well. This is what calls us home, and awaits all of us as we begin to have the courage, whether by choice or by destiny, at the culmination of our lives.

I hope more us have the courage to find principles within ourselves, to strive for truth, and then to stand of that principle when the wind blows and the foundation is threatened. I think we will find, when the principle is true, that its roots go deep and no amount of fear, pressure, or coercion can shake it from its core.

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