Re-Gen Farming Citrus and Macadamia Trees | Update Jan. 2023

2 years ago

Re-Gen Farming Citrus and Macadamia Trees | Update Jan. 2023 | Basics
1-2-3 D.I.Y in 4D

In this clip, I am showing some GREAT growth before the FLOWERING stages. A great sign to see on How are FALL replenishment project has produced FULL nuts and FULL citrus before the ATMOSHERIC river that all of California and western USA is receiving.

Fortunately for us, we were set up for success and we have been seeing HUGE difference from August / Sept harvest.

HOPE this encourages you to get out there and continue farming!

by @DIYin4D
Mission Motto: (Know Before You Go)

by @workinK9pups
Mission Motto: (ALWAYS workin, ALWAYS improving)


Motto: Know before you GO and if you DON'T Know you will PAY to Know

D.I.Y in 4D is always trying to improve and looking for the unseen is hopefully
going to save you TIME, the most precious resource and in the end
money and material resources.

HOPE this helped, take care, be safe and Blessing & PEACE

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