Nov 1, 2007 🎺 The Lord says... I shall tear down, destroy, uplift and unify them

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The Lord says
I shall tear down, uproot, destroy, uplift & unify them

November 1, 2007 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For a Sister in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord… Beloved, hear Me and now also receive of Me. For I had come in the flesh, and to this day My spirit remains with My beloved, and soon I must return and gather My own. Behold, I am also coming in great power and glory, and every eye shall behold My form and give Me glory!… Even every knee shall bow to Me! FOR I AM LORD.

Beloved, I am also your teacher. And if I am your teacher and Lord, then come and sit at My feet, and give no more thought or consideration to the things of this world which encompass you roundabout, leading you quickly into temptation. Hear ME, beloved, and now give heed to all which I have spoken to your heart already. For you have heard My voice and seek to dwell in My love.

Beloved, come close and lay upon My bosom, for I see in you fear, and many tears… Beloved, I have defeated the world, now follow Me! I know this cross is heavy, a burden which the first redeemed of The Lord must bear, even the weight of many sorrows… Therefore, follow close behind Me!

Beloved, hear Me and have understanding… I have come, My Spirit has been poured out on all nations, and from among you I will raise up many in My own name, many who know Me and in whom I dwell. They hear My voice, for I live in them; yes these know My voice, for they are My sheep… They come in and go out and find pasture.

Yet those who stand firm outside the gate are not My sheep (The Gate of which you know and have touched, the gate by which you shall enter in at your time appointed.) They know not My voice, neither have I spoken to them in the manner in which they claim. Yet they neigh, scurrying about this way and that, listening not to the call of The Shepherd, refusing the word of His mouth. To them My voice has become as that of a hired man, and so they will not harken, instead preferring the sound of their own voices, as they continue to speak lies and teach corrupt doctrine in My name.

Shall I not punish them for these things? For they do fight against Me! They contend with The Lord without ceasing, endeavoring always to maintain their own doctrine, that they may continue to walk proudly in the traditions of their fathers, which I hate! And so they go out, adding to and taking away from My Word, molding it and shaping it, translating it according to their own perverse interpretation brought forth from their own hearts, for the sake of their own glory!… Shall they not receive correction for these things?! Shall I not abase them for all these things?! FOR I, MYSELF, HAVE SEEN IT! Says The Lord.

The day has come, yes the day is here, for the churches of men to be judged. Behold, they have been judged already… And not one shall escape the fire of The Father’s judgments; all shall burn… All shall be brought very low.

Not one house they have built shall remain, not one wall shall be left standing… Cracked beams set on edge, with little support beneath them, easily broken down and thrown into the fire. Nor shall one word they have put forth, according to their own doctrine, be; nor shall any of their traditions continue. They are wind, a light breeze blowing upon the face of the ignorant, disheveling the hair of the lukewarm for but a moment, here today and gone tomorrow… For every hearer shall become deaf, and all seers shall go blind.

For they do continually say… ‚Aha, aha… WE have seen and heard, we alone are righteous. Yes, we are a strong tower, we shall never be moved, and by no means will we listen to these sent. WE are the light on a hill; and by us, and this house we have built up by our own hands, shall others find sanctuary. Go OUR way or be cast out, for ours is the only authority among men.‘

Yet I tell you, they shall all be brought to ruin! Says The Lord, yes even I who bought you. For they tread the path, oh yes, they walk up and down, yet they shall stumble, they shall surely fall, and as one escaping through flames shall they come into glory… For the storm is coming! The wind is blowing and darkness is already overhead! Behold, even a great whirlwind shall break through the clouds, and all shall be laid waste!

Therefore, this is what The Lord your God says to the churches of men; hear The Word of The Lord… All your branches shall be broken off, and you shall endure great desolations on every side, desolations of which you have not known, nor have you heard. For I shall tear you down, and you shall surely be abased, so again I might rebuild and replant… Uplift to make you one, in truth, in My name.

Behold, I shall come upon you suddenly and remove every lampstand from its place, and you shall no more speak in My name, says The Lord… THE LORD OF HOSTS IS MY NAME!…

Yes, I shall tear down and destroy all this enmity between God and man!… No more shall all these partitions stand! No more shall all these men in authority pervert My name among many witnesses! For it is done, and it shall surely be finished!… You are undone, set as naught against all these builders.

Beloved daughter, I have chosen you, you are Mine, and I have called you to be a candlestick. And Trent I have set up as a beacon. And Timothy I have made as a lampstand to the people; behold, he also bears the sword of My indignation. Therefore My servants must stand firm and be as immovable stones; for as I am The Stone, and they live in Me and I in them, they must also become as The Stone, even rocks of offense.

For I have set My servants against the inhabitants of the earth; behold, I have set their faces against them, even against all who call of themselves by My own name, who cast off The Law of The Father and refuse to walk in My ways… They shall be cut down! Says The Lord. For My word is sharp and My judgment swift! They shall be broken in pieces! Says The Mighty One of Jacob. For My word is also a hammer, and My punishment never misses the mark!… There shall be great wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Many shall come to grovel at the feet of The King in that day, and all shall fall down before the majesty of The Holy One of Israel. Yet only those who remain in My love shall escape, and only those who repent in sincerity and in truth shall be delivered… Yea, they shall behold My glory and become new! They shall bow down and they shall stand up! Yea, they shall arise, they shall shout My name aloud! Behold, a new nation and a city!… A great city filled with those who have no name, whose name shall be given, The Remnant!… The saints of The Lord’s day, the second harvest, My workmanship set against the world!… Sharp stones, great stones! Many rocks of offense.

Beloved, as you are they shall be also; as you have endured, likewise must they also endure. Fear not, for I am with you to deliver you, even as I shall be with all those who call on My name in that day. For I will dwell with them and in them, and go before them, and remain always their rearguard.

Behold, even I have reserved to Myself a multitude, chosen shepherds to lead them, men who bear My name upon their chests and have the name of The Father written in their foreheads. These are of the special offering, of which I shall present before The Father (you know their number). These shall lead the remnant to a place I, Myself, shall show them, and they shall be hidden there.

And though many shall fall in their journey, by no means are they forsaken, for they are Mine and they shall surely receive their robes. For I shall care for them, and heal them, and wipe away all their tears. For it is written and also comes to pass, and will yet continue until The Morning Star arises once again, even in the hearts of men. For the sun is setting upon this age of men, and shall not rise again until dawn on the new day… A new day, a Sabbath, even one thousand years!… Peace.

My children, bring glory to My name, and give Me perfect praise! For I am with you to deliver you out of all these troubles, from all these sorrows and tears! Trust in Me, therefore, and stand fast upon the rock of My enduring promise… Beloved, remain in My love.

Look up, for I am coming quickly! Behold My form as I behold yours! For even at all times, I see you as you are and as you will be, seated at My right hand, next to Me at My table… Together in My joy, to the glory of The Father, forever.

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