September 8, 2022 🇺🇸 JESUS EXPLAINS... Asteroids and Comets are headed your Way and Mobile Phone Spying

2 years ago

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Asteroids and Comets are headed your Way & Mobile Phone Spying

September 8, 2022 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Elisabeth

(Elisabeth) Lord, why do I keep hearing the words 'Asteroids and Paradigm Shift' over and over again. What does this mean? I was thinking I am not the right vessel for Jesus to speak to on these matters, considering I have so little personal understanding of these words, but He instantly stopped my thoughts and said...

(Jesus) “Elisabeth, it is because of your lack of understanding that I speak through you, because then your thoughts will not override My words. A cosmic construction zone is headed your way. These vast and extensive debris fields containing asteroids and comets will hit the Earth in various places, causing changes not only in the physical world, but in the thinking of mankind.”

“Scientists have long been studying, when and where asteroids will hit, and the enemy uses this information to create changes in your thoughts and how you perceive things. They will use fear and anxiety to control thoughts and manipulate mindsets. The harnessing of these wavelengths, the use of military-grade spyware to track My people and hack their cell phones to obtain information to take them down, has been put into effect for years. Today’s technology has become highly advanced and their evil agendas are being carried out in greater efficiency.

“Most countries engage in high tech surveillance of their citizens and workers of intelligence agencies, using spyware, as well as drones. The very large and unregulated private spyware industry can do a forensic analysis of smartphones, which display a tight correlation between time stamps associated with a telephone number on your contact list and the initiation of surveillance, all in a matter of a few seconds.

“The Saudi prince that Mother Clare saw has been one target that the Elitists are extremely interested in… thousands of people, spanning more than 50 countries, royal families, business executives, journalists, politicians, government officials, military officers and heads of state have been illegally tracked on their cell phones due to advanced spyware.

“I would be pleased if less time were spent on these devices and more time was spent with Me. There will be periods in which you will not be able to use or have access to your electronics. It would be wise to practice this now, intervals in which you shut down these devices and go into adoration, praise and worship or simply dwell with Me. I will supply and equip you with far more than what technology can offer.

“Come, My children, rest with Me and you will understand the abundance of My love and overflowing joy I have for you when we spend time together.”

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