Ant-Man & The Wasp Quantumania | Box Office Boom or Bust?

2 years ago

Ant-Man And The Wasp Quantumania | Marvel Boom or Bust At The Box Office?

After a sluggish and poorly financially performing Marvel Cinematic Universe ( MCU ) Phase 4, you may be wondering whether Ant Man is the right character / film to launch into Phase 5. Shang Chi, Eternals, and even Thor didn't do much for Marvel in the past year. Doctor Strange got a HUGE artificial box office life thanks to Sony's Spider-Man, and Wakanda Forever closed out Phase 4 without Black Panther.

Ant-Man has been one of the smallest box office returns of any Marvel Cinematic Universe title, but Marvel Studios is hoping this third entry will buck that historical trend.

Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lily have been great at the titular characters. Michael Douglas and Michelle Pfeiffer have also been great in the previous films. Unfortunately it has never seemingly been enough to propel Ant-Man into the ranks of other, more popular Marvel characters.

Will Jonathan Majors as KANG THE CONQUEROR be enough to reignite what has become a disconnected and underperforming Marvel Universe during Phase 4?

If Ant-Man & The Wasp Quantumania turns out to get rave audience reviews ( not just Rotten Tomatoes nonsense) then the movie could surprise the market at the box office. If not, then expect this movie to perform about where the last one did considering the loss of China and Russia as international markets and adjusted for loads of ticket price inflation since 2018.

#antman #antmanandthewaspquantumania #marvel

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