Oak Hill Church of Christ 7-3-22 Message: "Stubborn Love"

2 years ago

Oak Hill Church of Christ preaching minister, Randy Sterling, delivers a message on the earnest and enduring love of God for His children.

We live in a world where promise-breaking is common. We can all name a politician or two who ran on a promise, but ended up doing the opposite when in power. Perhaps we know a friend or family member who also failed to keep their promise.

The lesson we may end up learning is that promises are as valuable as the paper they're written on, and we may be tempted to treat our own promises in the same way.

God shows us a different path. A radical form of promise-keeping that survives even betrayal and heartache. A word of honor etched in stone whose true value cannot be measured.

No matter how often one of His children makes a mistake, God will keep His promise. He will hear their repentence and welcome them back. If you are suffering from a betrayal, or if you are struggling with keeping a promise of your own in the face of wickedness done by a trusted friend or family member, take a moment to consider the example set by God, and take to heart what it truly looks like to never break a promise.

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