HTML BASICS (Check out the first Website I build)

2 years ago

All my beautiful people, in this video i show you how I learned html and to code my first webpage and so can you!


!DOCTYPE html: tells the browser what doctype to use, must be first on every webpage and doesnt have an end tag
head: information about the page will go
title: should have title in the title bar
body: information displayed to the user
h1 to h6: h1 is biggest to h6 which is smllest or least important
p: paragraph
hr: horizontal line
img src="": insert an image with source t o the folder of the image/ no closing tag or self closing tag
width= you can set width and height in pixels or % if you dont it will display the original size of the image
alt : describes the image without this html technically is an invalid html
br: line break self closing tag
a: links
href attribute: hyperlink to external website
ul: unordered list / bullet pointed list
li: each item in the list starts with li tag
ol: swaps the bullet points for numbers
div: these are used to group elements on the page, think of them as invisible boxes: will always cause a line break so nothing can appear beside a div tag only above and below. you can have div tags within div tags which is called nesting
div attributes:
id: must be unique and can only be given to one element on the page
class: can identify a group of elements on the page
span: does not cause a line break like div tags
table: creates a table
tr: table row
th: table header
td: table data
iframe: define a element for a video url (youtube video)

background-color: gold
best way to use colors is with hex color codes #66ccff
body is the way you can target the entire background of a page
text-align: center- align text to the center
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto; This will automatically center the text, does not work vertically but is very good horizontally
float: right : with let the elements float to the right or left of each other
float: left
clear: both; means lets get passed all the floating divs
Copyright &copy: will create the copyright symbol

Actual Code for website wouldn't fit in description 😅

So in this video I'm sharing with you all the introduction to my channel about learning technology made simple!


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#MerryChristmas #techtutorials #learning #ForgeBetterFuture #webdevelopment #html5 #html #goldenratio

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