Crazy Outtakes and Bloopers Reel - HALLOWEEN SPECIAL! - Electrician U Reacts

2 years ago

The Original Official MONEY OVER INCHES video (without reactions):

Have you ever wondered what a conductive horse is? Or the difference between a balaclava and Baclava? Us too!! In the latest episode of Electrician U, things get a little crazy as the crew blows off a little steam and has generated a bloopers reel for your viewing pleasure! I mean, every now and again, you have to laugh a little and be silly! There is certainly more to life than just being serious, as you will see!! Click on the link above to watch without the crew reactions.

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A conductive horse? Never knew there was such a thing! I mean do you have to plug it in to recharge for the next ride? And how long does the battery really last?! And speaking of plugging it in, where on earth does that cord and plug get stored in the horse body?? These are the questions we should be asking ourselves!! But why not a horse? We have electric cars, planes, and boats so why not a horse! Now, just have to figure out a few small minor details!! I’m totally sure the horses won’t mind!!
Who knew Dustin was capable of moving the camera back and forth without actually touching it just using his mind and hand gestures?? If you ask me, it is nothing short of miraculous! Sort of like the Vulcan Mind Meld! At this point, I am just lucky I wasn’t standing there when it was being viewed as Dustin almost launched his IPA all over everyone as he was laughing so hard!
Let’s discuss the term Bleheaf-Ferhick. This is a super important term for anyone in the electrical trade to understand, but one that is rarely talked about (in fact, this is MOST ASSUREDLEY the ONLY place where you will hear it!) This strange phenomenon occurs when we deplete all the ohms out of the extension cord we are using. This effect can also happen when we use up all the blinker fluid out of the service van and must refill it. Strange things folks, strange things!!
There are many facets to electrical safety. But none are more delicious than the electrical Baclava! I mean this delicious Greek/Turkish pastry should be on the top of everyone’s list of things to try! Flaky dough, nuts, and super sugary syrup make it an absolute delight for electricians young and old. I think this desert took Dustin, and the whole Electrician U crew, by complete disguise! And trust me, it tastes MUCH better than eating that old nasty balaclava that we have in our arc flash kits!! Who wants to eat something that has been on someone’s sweaty head anyways?? Not this guy!!
Who knew that Dustin was considering running for office in 2024? It doesn’t appear as if Dustin knew?! Heck, I’ll vote for him! It seems that he has also been busy being on the SpongeBob Square Pants show. If I am not mistaken, he was called as an electrical expert to turn the lights on and off to simulate an eerie scene! Congratulations Dustin, movie star!!
Philosopher Dustin also lets us know the one thing he ALWAYS does in bathrooms. There are a few things that I do in bathrooms, but according to Dustin, he prefers to install dimmers, so the bright lights don’t hurt his eyes! Who knew?! Does he install them in EVERY bathroom he visits? Perhaps, he should let us know this in an upcoming video. Wondering if he carries a bunch of dimmers in his pockets for just this purpose? We may never know!!
To provide the long-awaited answer to “would you rather have a billion dollars or a 36” penis?”, we turn to our rockstar apprentice Josh! According to him, he would rather have the billion dollars, as a 36” penis would just tend to get in the way! Not to mention, a billion dollars could probably buy you whatever size penis you wanted!! Excellent choice Josh, excellent choice!
To end the episode, Dustin shows off his high-flying piloting skills in an epic fire breathing dragon vs. F16 battle! Although wrecking an 80-million-dollar jet fighter is strongly discouraged, it does provide an awesome look into just what our friend Dustin is capable of doing!!
We hope this has been as funny for you to watch as it was for us to make! Just goes to show that while the electrical industry is a serious place, we all should take a step back every now and again to laugh and actually enjoy what we do!

#electrician #electrical #electricity #bloopers #outtakes #reaction #money #over #inches

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