Episode 101 - It Was All A Lie

2 years ago

Politicians stand on platforms and they say we need sudden change. We need rapid change. We need everything to change. And guess what? It's a lie. What happens when you are constantly bombarded by these methodical lies? One, you're either put into a trance and you're hypnotized. Two, you become apathetic just because you listen to it so much you forget to stand up against it. Or three, you are intimidated into submission.

How do you hypnotize a nation into submission? You lie to them.

This week on Connecting the Gap, we talk about this and more. Visit our website at www.connectingthegap.net for anything you would like to know about our ministry. Visit us on Facebook, YouTube, and Rumble as well. Please subscribe and share! This ministry doesn't grow without YOU! Have a blessed week!


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