9 NEWS CALLS FOR HEART ATTACK VICTIMS | Don’t be fooled, it won’t be about the C19 Jab

2 years ago

9 News Australia calls for heart attack victims to come forward so they can start their MSM counter active measure to prevent the masses from thinking it might be poison ☠️ Pineapples 🍍 🍍 🍍

This is just a ploy from mainstream media. They will be selective in their story telling their counter active story and they will only select people who don’t say it was the poison pineapples that caused it.

This will be a story about poison pineapple loving Australians who are so brainwashed, they will think that the only reason they survived was because they had the poison pineapples.

Don’t be fooled by MSM. They have sent to your TV screens to trick you and manipulate you.

MSM deserves to be outlawed in this country as they are complicit in letting Australians down with their loyalty to their puppet masters.

The MSM employees must perform as per their company policy and shall only promote the paid narrative of their sponsors. They could never speak up against the pier major sponosors. If you do some research , you will see that MSM receives large sums of money form poison pineapple manufacturers.

Wake up Australia

#9news #heartattacks #narrative #anythingbutthetruth #fakenews #msmlies #soulless #noheart #paidpromotions #soldout #sellouts

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