3 Expert Tips To INSTANTLY Boost Your Focus

1 year ago

focus has been one of the biggest game changers for me and i believe one of the most valuable skills to have in our time

basketball awareness test: https://youtu.be/KB_lTKZm1Ts

i went from possibly the most distracted person on the planet terrible grades in fact i probably did about three pieces of homework through my entire school experience because i could never focus.

i was known for not being able to sit still i can recall on many occasions the lecture i would receive for swinging on my chair (tbh i still do this)

and the specific story my science teacher mr fung would tell about cracking my head open and bleeding all over the floor

which would lead to everyone else somehow slipping in my blood and cracking there heads open which thinking about it now is kind of a gruesome story to tell a class of 12 year olds

anyway the point is i had zero ability to focus especially on the hard stuff i didn’t enjoy which is generally the most important stuff

and the stuff most people struggle to focus on so if you can cultivate this skill of focus it can offer a huge advantage

the ability to have singular focus is probably one of the greatest skills you can have

both in terms of the long term focusing and growing one thing for a long period of time

and the thing i’m talking about to today the ability to sit down and focus on a singular task for a shorter period of time say an hour to an hour and a half

there are definitely long term habits like meditation and exercise as well as cutting out certain distracting elements from your life that will improve focus

but these take a long time to see any benefits but good news there are a three things that i still use to this day that can instantly improve focus

this one is my favourite i pretty much use this every time i sit down to do any focused work

basically just put on a hat and hood its that simple its one of the best things ive ever discovered

its basically just cutting off all of the peripheral vision because what we see is a big part of where are focus is cutting out surrounding vision forces us to be focus on what we see

you may have experience something similar when you are focused you get sort of a tunnel vision

this was demonstrated in this video the basketball awareness test where two teams a black and a white team pass a ball between themselves

you are asked to count the amount of times the white team passes the ball the answer is thirteen

but then you are asked if you saw the moonwalking bear to which everyone responds what moonwalking bear

so it is played again but this time when you aren’t focused on the white players there it is the bear moon walks right to the middle of the screen does a dance and moonwalks off

and you don’t notice because you’re so focused on counting.

so next time you want to focus wear a hoodie and hat if for some reason like its too hot or it makes your head itch find a way to cut of the peripheral vision

businessman alex hormozi works in a narrow hallway for example

this on is kind of only for short sighted people like myself and relates to the last one.

after i was medically discharged from the army for my poor eyesight i went down the rabbit hole of trying to find a way to improve my eyesight

i stumbled on a method of slowly reducing the prescription of my glasses which i tried for a while and it worked

i can probably make a full video describing what i did if thats something your interested in put it in the comments

long story short i have two pairs of glasses one which i use outdoors so i can see everything perfectly

and another which are much less powerful for using a computer, my phone or anything closer to my face

this makes anything more than a meter from my face blurry this again just cuts down my peripheral vision

and quite literally the only thing thats not blurry aka in focus is the the thing i want to focus on.

so for anyone with glasses if your eyesights not that bad maybe take your glasses of while doing focus work

or if everything is too blurry look at buying a cheap pair of glasses with a reduces persciption of 1 to 1.5 points

this is something i do occasionally that learned about on the andrew huberman podcast so all credit to him

basically get a pen pencil or basically any object/point on a wall/thing in the distance anything that wont move that you can look at for a minute

so get your pen in your hand and basically stare at it for about a minute you can blink but maintain focus on the object for one minute

you can see this as sort of a warm up for the brain just as you would warm up the muscles before exercise

its preparing the mind for focus and your going to be able to break through that first initial barrier quicker.

this is also a great trick if your procrastinating on something because its super simple theres basically no friction to doing it

and it can put you in a more prepared state for the thing your putting off

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