14 Reasons You're Not Building Muscle (As A Natural)

1 year ago

In this video, we're going to talk about why you're not building muscle as a natural. We'll discuss the different factors that play a role in muscle growth, and provide you with some tips on how to build muscle as a natural.

If you're looking to build muscle without steroids or other artificial supplements, then you'll want to watch this video! We'll discuss the different factors that play a role in muscle growth and give you some tips on how to build muscle as a natural. By the end of this video, you'll know how to build muscle as a natural, without using any risky or artificial methods!

Schofield equation: https://globalrph.com/medcalcs/schofi...

The 14 Reasons

0:00 - intro
1:25 - too little calories
2:02 - pre workout meal
3:11 - not enough fat
3:52 - not enough protein
4:10 - meal frequency
4:38 - intensity and focus
5:07 - habits outside the gym
5:29 - progressive overload
5:57 - fancy movements
6:24 - rest between sets
6:49 - sleep
7:19 - stress
7:58 - alcohol
8:24 - ???

i want you to go into the future and imagine your life in five years if you take my experience in this video seriously you can build the body of your dreams,

get yourself a beautiful girlfriend or girlfriends and then go on to build more wealth health and happiness from the foundation of a muscular physique

and now i want you to imagine your life in five years if you don't take my experiences

you may fumble around in the gym making no gains like you are now until you quit

and in five years you’ll be stuck in the same place just older fatter with more wasted potential and life.

five years ago i found myself in this situation picturing myself in these two scenarios so i had to find these lessons out the hard way

it took me years to discover these 14 mistakes i was making that were holding me back from my potential

but once i got them all in order i started making serious strength and muscle gains but you get to skip all the mistakes and pain and in five years you can even exceed what i've been able to accomplish.

before we get into it you need to understand one thing, building muscle is hard as strange as this might sound your body does NOT want you to be muscular.

in fact your body would rather look something like this, this is because muscles have very high energy demands and for survival thats not a good thing.

so to build muscle you have to put your body in the ideal conditions for growth thats why building muscle is so hard. with that said let's get into it.

Are you struggling to build muscle as a natural? In this video, we're going to show you 14 reasons why you may not be building muscle as easily as you think. From poor nutrition to not enough exercise, we'll list 14 common reasons that might be preventing you from building muscle the easy way.

If you're serious about building muscle the easy way, then you need to watch this video! By the end, you'll know exactly what you need to do to start building muscle the right way, without all the stress and hassle!

In this video, we're going to break down the top 8 reasons why you're not building muscle as a natural. By the end of this video, you'll know exactly what you need to do to start building muscle the right way!

If you're tired of not seeing the results you want with your workouts, then this video is for you. By the end of this video, you'll know the top 8 reasons why you're not building muscle as a natural and how to fix them. From diet to exercise to rest, we'll cover everything you need to start seeing results in the gym!

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