Constance Banks a lactation consultant on, Is the title "Mother," endangered.

Streamed on:

Constance was sacked for serious misconduct for not taking the jab. She was a clinical educator for lactation as well as an acting unit manager for breastfeeding support services.

The discussion tonight is about why we are no longer using the words Mother and Women.

CLO has survived to become a part of the alternative media revolution. While CLO will continue to populate their platform with the voices of everyday Australians; sharing their courage, as from their courage hope is born.

CLO is now also offering their platform to other fledgling Indy reporters like Robyn’s platform, Courage is The Cure”. Robyn is in WA.

CLO posts daily and are constantly looking to evolve in order to participate passionately in the defence of our country’s freedom and democracy. If you would like to be a guest please contact us at Supporting Cafe Locked Out If you have a business and would be comfortable advertising with us, or sponsoring us, please get in touch.

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Cafe Locked Out

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