Tropical Rainforest - Please analyze

2 years ago

Tropical rainforests or often also written as tropical rain forests are biomes in the form of forests that are always wet or damp, which can be found in areas around the equator. Approximately at latitude 0°–10° to the north and south of the equator. Tropical rain forests can also be interpreted as forests located in tropical areas that have high rainfall. Therefore, it is called the Tropical Rain Forest. These forests are found in Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico and the Pacific Islands. This forest formation is known as the equatorial evergreen rainforest lowland, tropical evergreen rainforest lowland, or briefly called tropical rainforest. Apiss forest in the Amazon Tropical rainforests are home to half the species of flora and fauna worldwide. Tropical rain forests are also dubbed as the world's largest pharmaceutical, because almost 1/4 of modern medicine comes from plants in this rain forest. But what happened after the logging industry came along?

Attention: The images in the video are for illustration purposes only.


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