"The Marks of a False Prophet", (Jer 23: 9-40), 2023-01-10, Longbranch Community Church

1 year ago

Today, Pastor John returned to Jeremiah to continue our trek through this fascinating book of the bible. This message is titled: “The Marks of a False Prophet” and was drawn from Jer 23: 9-40. Realizing how vitally important is the wisdom contained in this passage, Pastor elected to break its delivery into two separate sermons (Same title / Parts 1 & 2).

Bottom Line: False prophets and prophecy have three primary sources: #1 Baal, #2 their own minds, and #3 dreams. The important thing to remember is that false prophets have absolutely “NO” authority – they simply “do not” speak for God. That said, far too many believers and way too many churches have succumbed to their lies and been led astray and away. It’s time to recommit to the Word of God: to read it, to believe it, to live it and to preach it – come what may.

For those in a hurry, today’s message starts promptly at the 37minute / 46secod mark.

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