Episode 128: Gene and Truly Ecret

2 years ago

Gene and Truly Ecret are husband and wife with an inspiring story to share about how they turned their health around. After getting married, Gene and Truly began to slowly gain weight and see their health decline. It wasn't until a fateful trip to the doctor and a diabetes scare that Gene found the motivation to find the way out of metabolic dysfunction and obesity no matter what. The way he discovered was—you guessed it!—a carbohydrate restricted, high fat diet.

Brian, Gene, and Truly discuss the Ecret's introduction to the low-carb diet, the difficulties involved in getting started with this new way of eating, and how they overcame those difficulties. They went on to talk about how to stay mentally resolute in the commitment to a big lifestyle change, how planning can help one resist temptation when it comes, why having lean muscle is so beneficial to metabolic health, how metabolic dysfunction impacts mental health and mood, and beneficial side effects of getting off medications.

Life's Best Medicine according to Truly: "Find something you like to do and do it! For me that is teaching."

Life's Best Medicine according to Gene: "A hobby that you like and enjoy. It takes the stress off of life."

Thank you for listening. Have a blessed day and stay healthy!

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