High On Life Sequel Bait Achievement Guide

2 years ago

Guide for High on Life's "Sequel-Bait" Achievement. This is missable and needs to be done during particular parts of the game, in the later half.
Complete this and you'll earn 45G of Gamescore for this achievement.. I hope this guide helped you out!

#HighOnLife #SequelBait #Achievement

Hardware used:
-HP Omen Gaming PC

Software used:
-Pixlr Photo Editor

Music by: Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
Song: Melt

Channel Art By Graphic God (Jay Williams)
Website: http://www.xboxgamerpics.com

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Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/InvaderGaming
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Minds: https://www.minds.com/InvaderGaming
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