E022 (excerpt): Building business value in metaverse, with Nicolas Babin

1 year ago

This is an excerpt from for "Between Data and Risk" episode, in which Artur and Marian discuss how value is created in metaverse and how businesses can benefit from building a metaverse strategy. Their guest is Nicolas Babin, business strategist, serial entrepreneur & executive with global experience.

The metaverse revolution is coming, and businesses should take note, as the new market could be massive, but will require substantially different approaches and business models.

In this excerpt, Nicolas speaks about trade in a metaverse, and how cryptocurrencies today give us a glimpse of how finance might work in the metaverses of the future.

Don't miss the metaverse train!

Find out what metaverses are, how they attract clients, and how businesses will be affected. Discover how your business can benefit from value creation in metaverse and how to approach building a metaverse strategy.

Listen to this episode of the "Between Data & Risk" podcast from 13th January 2023!

Also, to never miss an episode, don't forget to subscribe today!

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